Social Media Marketing Test Answers (53-76) - Tech Pro - Rokibul Islam

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Social Media Marketing Test Answers (53-76)

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Social Media Marketing Test Answers (53-76)

53. How far into the future should a company plan its marketing activities?

a. Up to 1 year

b. 5 years

c. 1-month

d. Indefinitely

Correct Answer: D


54. What methods of social network marketing should a company always use?

a. Blogging only

b. Twitter, Blogs, Facebook

c. YouTube

d. Depends on the company, their product, their audience

Correct Answer: D


55. What is the overall goal of social media marketing for companies?

a. Generate sales

b. Increase company headcount (check)

c. Increase their web presence

d. Help accelerate product launches

Correct Answer: A


56. What is the ultimate goal of a social network marketing plan?

a. To satisfy investors in the company

b. To justify spending on marketing

c. To find investors for a company

d. Drive potential customers to the company and give them an action item to perform

Correct Answer: D

57. How does create a social network marketing plan differ from a traditional marketing plan?

a. The brand image should be completely different for social marketing

b. The staff requirements and skill sets for social marketing are different (check)

c. There is no need for a social marketing plan, but social marketing plan is required for traditional marketing

d. Other than the method of delivery, a marketing plan, either way, will be similar

Correct Answer: C


58. What place does Pricing have in marketing?

a. Higher prices guarantee a higher revenue stream

b. The company should actively market how much their products cost

c. Different pricing levels can be tested to see what elicits the best consumer response

d. Marketing based on the pricing level relative to the competition is important

Correct Answer: C


59. What is the main reason traditional marketing will never completely go away?
a. It is cheaper than social media marketing
b. All companies are required by law to use traditional marketing techniques
c. There are better tax write-offs for traditional marketing
d. It's proven to work time and again

Correct Answer: D

60. Why is there no specific definition of what is social media marketing?
a. There is no governing body over social media marketing
b. Companies cannot come to one definition
c. The concept is relatively new compared to traditional marketing and is still being defined
d. It had not yet been widely accepted

Correct Answer: C


61. In a company who should own the social marketing plan?

a. Head of Marketing

b. CFO (check)

c. President

d. Operational staff

Correct Answer: A


62. Why would a company hire internet marketing specialists if marketing is relatively easy to do online?

a. It reduces taxable profits

b. To get a second opinion

c. Creates goodwill

d. Hired experts can drive the best results of campaigns and help guide the company in its marketing

Correct Answer: D


63. Why has web marketing become a popular form of marketing?

a. It is much cheaper than other forms and often more effective

b. Television advertising is being offered fewer

c. It is easier than traditional marketing

d. It has been heavily advertised

Correct Answer: D


64. How do eBooks represent a form of marketing?

a. They are often free, include useful information, and direct the reader onto the company which created the eBook for further information

b. They are not a form of marketing

c. They can be placed on free sites where paid advertisements generate income

d. They can be used to defame the competition

Correct Answer: A


65. What is meant by “niche marketing”?

a. Targeting a broad-based group of people

b. Targeting a very specific demographic

c. Advertising on the television

d. Advertising only online

Correct Answer: A


66. What is meant by the concept of “viral” in social media?

a. Social media which is spread to viewers by the consumer, growing in popularity

b. It is a method of branding a company

c. Advertising which can easily be emailed

d. Marketing advertisements that are not serious

Correct Answer: A


67. What is another term for “social media”?

a. Media Optimization

b. Consumer Generated Media

c. Advertising Socialization

d. Consumer Media Advertising

Correct Answer: B


68. What is “social media optimization”?

a. Creating content that easily creates publicity via social networks

b. Writing clear content

c. Creating short content which is easily indexed

d. Hiring people to create content for social networks

Correct Answer: A


69. What is “guerilla marketing”?

a. Marketing geared towards animal lovers

b. Marketing which relies on time and energy rather than a large dollar budget

c. Aggressive sales techniques

d. Marketing using a large-scale national budget


Correct Answer: B


70. What is meant by “guerilla marketing”?

a. Using resources such as time, energy, and imagination rather than money to market

b. Using advertising spots that utilize gorillas to capture the audience

c. Having a large-scale marketing budget

d. Using television ads instead of web ads

Correct Answer: A


71. Why would a firm employ guerilla web marketing?

a. It is guaranteed to work

b. It allows greater flexibility

c. It gives the firm more control over its marketing budget.

d. It is unconventional and can often leave a lasting impression on potential customers

Correct Answer: C


72. What is affiliate marketing?

a. Same as guerilla marketing

b. Selling ad space on your site

c. When a 3rd party helps market your business, and in turn, your pay them a commission based on sales as a result of their efforts

d. Pay-per-click marketing

Correct Answer: C


73. Why is affiliate marketing a favorable form of marketing?

a. It is inexpensive.

b. Nothing is paid unless there is a sale resulting from the affiliate’s efforts.

c. It guarantees increased sales

d. It is complex so not many people utilize it

Correct Answer: C


74. Which 3 industries are the largest users of affiliate marketing?

a. Prescription drugs, electronics, child products

b. Gambling, adult, retail

c. Retail outlets, bakeries, beverages

d. Computer equipment, auto manufacturers, construction

Correct Answer: D


75. Why are affiliates not the same as having a sales force?

a. The affiliates are virtual

b. The affiliates can be based anywhere in the world

c. The affiliate only drives traffic, they do not necessarily convert them to sales

d. The affiliates have limited availability

Correct Answer: D


76. What is one unfavorable trait sometimes seen in affiliate marketing?

a. The cost is low

b. It brings additional traffic to a site

c. Affiliates will use unethical techniques to drive customers in hopes of earning a commission

d. It is only paid for based on successful selling

Correct Answer: B

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