Social Media Marketing Test Answers (77-104) - Tech Pro - Rokibul Islam

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Social Media Marketing Test Answers (77-104)

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Social Media Marketing Test Answers

77. What is “wiki”?

a. Form of blogging

b. A social networking site

c. Interconnected and user-generated knowledge management systems

d. A tool for posting to social media networks

Correct Answer: C


78. What is a contingency plan?

a. A second written plan in case management doesn't like the original plan

b. A detailed marketing plan

c. A set of actions to be taken if the original plan does not perform as anticipated

d. A marketing plan is written just for social networking

Correct Answer: C


79. What is a "call to action"?
a. Giving an advertisement's receiver a specific direction such as 'visit the site'
b. Using telemarketing to reach out to potential customers
c. Defaming the competition
d. Creating a new marketing campaign

Correct Answer: A

80. What is meant by Brand Management?
a. Managing the marketing staff
b. Management of the marketing budget
c. The company executive management team (check)
d. Creating a consistent image for the company

Correct Answer: D

81. What is meant by “white hat”?

a. When markets show up for work wearing white hats (check)

b. Dishonest techniques for gaining higher ranking

c. Ethical and honest methods of increasing page ranking

d. Software used to increase ranking

Correct Answer: C


82. What is a double opt-in process?

a. Someone must email the firm twice to get on a list

b. Someone must ask to be on your email list and then verify by clicking a link they want to be on it

c. Someone must email the firm twice to get off an email list

d. Someone has to send an email confirming an online purchase

Correct Answer: B


83. What is a “value proposition”?

a. The pricing of the product

b. The same as a business plan

c. A statement as to how the company will make more money

d. A statement as to how the company adds value for customers

Correct Answer: A


84. What is the purpose of a traditional press release?

a. acts as a direct marketing sales tool

b. It can be mailed out to potential clients

c. It announces company information to a widely dispersed group of people

d. Its targets markets internet users

Correct Answer: D


85. What is the purpose of sending a monthly newsletter?

a. It creates work for employees at the company

b. It builds branding and creates awareness and connection with potential clients

c. It gives people a chance to opt-out of ever talking to your company again

d. Required by law

Correct Answer: C


86. What is an auto-responder?

a. A person who replaces all emails for the company

b. An automatic email message sent to someone who takes an action such as submitting a form on a company website

c. A method of direct communication with clients

d. An email relay system

Correct Answer: C


87. What is the “active voice” style of writing ads?

a. Using “you” and not “I” or “we”- directing wording towards the customer

b. Writing in the first person

c. Writing in the third person

d. Speaking omnisciently

Correct Answer: C


88. What is the formula for calculating cost per customer acquisition?

a. Marketing spent on television divided by the number of new customers

b. Sales divided by customers

c. Total marketing budget divided by all customers ever

d. The total marketing budget for a specific period divided by the number of new customers for that same period

Correct Answer: D


89. What is the “cost per customer acquisition”?

a. The amount a company pays a customer to try their product

b. The average cost of marketing spent per new customer

c. The cost of marketing staff

d. The cost to beat competitors

Correct Answer: A


90. What is “cost per action”?

a. Same as pay per click (check)

b. A payment agreement where a specific action creates a payable event for the affiliate such as a click a purchase a number of page views

c. A payment agreement where costs change depending on volume

d. The product cost

Correct Answer: B


91. What is an “impression”?

a. When a person buys a product from a site

b. When your ad is displayed on a page online, not necessarily clicked on (check)

c. When an ad is clicked on when an ad is on

d. When an ad makes an impression on a client

Correct Answer: C


92. What is meant by “web 2.0”?

a. The resurgence of internet companies with a more interactive focus, such as blogging and social networking

b. Any website which has survived the dot com bust

c. Sites made using new technology

d. Internet companies that focus on retail sales

Correct Answer: D


93. What type of status updates would drive visitors to the company site?

a. An update telling friends they hope to see them all soon

b. A link to a new press release hosted on the company site

c. A link to a third-party hosting a company press release

d. A picture of the CEO

Correct Answer: B


94. What should a company do once it achieves its search engine ranking goals?

a. Stop promoting the site

b. Constantly monitor and improve their site in order to maintain their ranking

c. Revise the site once in a while

d. Sell advertising on their site

Correct Answer: D


95. How can a company place itself as an expert in a certain area of expertise?

a. Post updates that brag about the company

b. Actively answer questions in the Q&A section of the site

c. Post comments on competitors' pages stating how they are inferior

d. Answer questions in all categories, even ones the company is not in the business with.

Correct Answer: B


96. How much does a company pays for the given example: Ad displays 20 times, 2 users click the ad, cost per click is 5 cents.

a. 90 cents

b. 10 cents

c. 20 cents

d. 1 cent

Correct Answer: B


97. How is the “open rate” important?

a. It tells the company how many people clicked on the links in the email

b. It lets the company know how many people bought a product

c. It is the number of people who received the mail

d. It is the number of people who actually opened the email sent to them, giving the company insight into how effective the email marketing campaign was

Correct Answer: B


99. How is the pricing model of a click determined?

a. Standardized rate for the ad

b. Google sets the price worldwide

c. Ads always cost more in later months

d. The more popular a search term the more a customer will have to pay to use that term in his/her target keywords list

Correct Answer: B


100. How important is content on a site when optimizing it?

a. Not important at all does not factor in

b. Mildly important to keep customers happy

c. It is the only thing which creates a higher ranking in search engines

d. Very important new content especially

Correct Answer: C


101. Which of the following is valuable in increasing a page rank?

a. Paying for placement

b. Static content

c. Quantity of links from other highly ranked pages to your site

d. No contact information

Correct Answer: C


102. Which of the following would not be effective in headline writing?

a. Using words that draw attention

b. Using words that people may search for

c. Using small words which take up space and do not add valued

d. Using words such as “new, exciting, a special offer”

Correct Answer: C


103. Why would a company possibly want to spend more on PPC early on?

a. It costs less early on

b. To drive traffic to their site and increase awareness

c. To let the competition know they are serious

d. To sell more products

Correct Answer: B


104. Why is it important to fine-tune the timing of the ad and keywords used?
a. It costs less in later hours
b. To be sure to spend more money on marketing
c. Required by law
d. To carefully target the customer base desired, not wasting impressions and clicks

Correct Answer: D

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