Social Media Marketing Test Answers - Tech Pro - Rokibul Islam

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Social Media Marketing Test Answers

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Social Media Marketing Test Answers

Social Media Marketing Test Answers


1. What feature does LinkedIn offer for pay accounts?
a. Ability to post pictures
b. Increased abilities to connect directly and send messages to people
c. Ability to post in Groups and create a Group (check)
d. Ability to block users

Correct Answer: B


2. How can LinkedIn serve the company aside from social network marketing?

a. Job openings can easily be dispersed to qualified candidates on LinkedIn

b. Company pictures can be posted to the profile

c. Negative press about the competition can be easily spread

d. Pricing lists can be posted (check)

Correct Answer: A


3. What is the method for being linked to other users on LinkedIn?

a. Followers

b. Connections

c. Friends

d. Associates

Correct Answer: B


4. How can a companycreate a forum for dialogue on LinkedIn?

a. Post updates to the company status

b. Use of Groups

c. Changes the company profile regularly

d. Post demeaning comments for the competitors' pages

Correct Answer: B


5. What does the Answers section of LinkedIn allow people to do?

a. Users to post questions directly to companies

b. Post questions based on a category, and receive responses from experts in the field

c. Posts links to the company press releases

d. A meeting place for new connections

Correct Answer: B


6. What do Connections on LinkedIn effectively represent?

a. Random strangers who found the company (check)

b. People the company has sold products or services to

c. An avenue to disperse coupons

d. People and other companies the user is connected to directly

Correct Answer: D


7. What additional feature does Facebook have that helps engage in a dialogue with followers?

a. Ability to leave messages for each other

b. Ability to chat live

c. Ability to post updates live

d. Ability to post updates from a mobile device

e. All of the above

Correct Answer: E


8. Why is Facebook the most well-rounded social networking marketing space?

a. It has been around the longest

b. It does not cost any money

c. It allows for video, short posts, long posts, articles, pictures-all aspects of other sites combined into one

d. It allows for pictures

Correct Answer: C


9. What does an update to Facebook status resemble most closely?

a. Video blogs

b. Posts on Twitter

c. A company white page

d. Articles on LinkedIn

Correct Answer: B


10. What can a company do on Facebook apart from their page to create a following?

a. Post more updates than usual

b. Most controversial posts

c. Use several pictures

d. Use Groups, both companies originated and posted to other groups

Correct Answer: D


11. What is a method of marketing on Facebook that can reach several users by spending money?
a. Pay money for a better quality Facebook account
b. Pay a third party to make posts to your account
c. Charge a fee for users to be your friends
d. Facebook Pay Per Click placed advertisements

Correct Answer: D

12. How can a company convert posts on Twitter to sales?

a. Write demanding points about the competition

b. Write posts about the personal information of the CEO

c. Create posts that drive followers to their site

d. Constantly post updates about how the company needs more sales

Correct Answer: C

13. What is the term adopted for updates by Twitter users?

a. Tweets

b. Tweets

c. Twinks

d. Posts

Correct Answer: A


14. What is the character limit for posts on Twitter?

a. No limit

b. 100 characters

c. 140 characters

d. 200 characters

Correct Answer: C


15. What should a company post on Twitter?

a. New product launches

b. Significant company news

c. Occasional day-to-day posts of interest

d. All of the above

Correct Answer: D


16. What is the term used for a person who is receiving updates on another Twitter user's updates?

a. User

b. Follower

c. Connection

d. Friend

Correct Answer: B


17. How does YouTube serve a dual purpose in social media marketing?

a. It can be used as a company blog as well as video advertisements

b. It can be used for company pictures and videos

c. It can be used to host the company website as well as videos

d. It can be used as the forum for dispersing company videos, as well as a host when embedding videos on sites outside of YouTube

Correct Answer: D


18. What is the general purpose of posting a video blog routinely to YouTube?

a. It allows the company to hard-sell its products

b. It allows the company to drive website traffic to its blog

c. It can be used to disperse the company contact information (check)

d. It allows followers to create a personal connection with the employees of the company

Correct Answer: B


19. What is one measure a company can use to validate the usefulness of its video posts on YouTube?

a. The number of followers

b. The number of views of video

c. The number of videos the company has up

d. The sales volume of the company (check)

Correct Answer: B


20. What traditional marketing technique is YouTube closest to?

a. Print advertising

b. Television advertising

c. Radio advertising

d. Mail Advertising

Correct Answer: B


21. Using which of the following two methods can a company ensure that the proper audience finds their YouTube videos?

a. Post links on the company blog to the YouTube videos

b. There is no method to effectively direct people to the company videos

c. Use of keywords

d. Sending out mail advertisements

Correct Answer: A, D


22. What should a company do for commercial advertisements on YouTube in order to maximize its effectiveness?
a. Ask the watcher to visit the company site at the end of video
b. Make the videos at least 5 minutes long
c. Make the videos under 10 seconds
d. Have the CEO featured in the advertisement

Correct Answer: A


23. How can a company ensure that the proper audience finds their YouTube videos?

a. Post links on the company blog to the YouTube videos

b. There is no method to effectively direct people to the company videos

c. Use of keywords

d. Sending out mail advertisements

Correct Answer: A


24. What style of videos can a company post on YouTube?

a. Video Blogs (check)

b. Television Commercials

c. Product Demonstrations

d. All of the above

Correct Answer: D


25. Why is the subject line of any email campaign important?

a. It gives the person an opportunity to delete the email before reading it

b. It is all the receiver sees besides the email address until they open the email

c. It let the receiver know they are about to be sold something

Correct Answer: B

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